Declining an Authorised Timesheet

Once a timesheet is authorised it moves from the Authorisation stage to the Settled stage. In the event you need to reverse the status of a timesheet, please follow the steps below.

User permissions required: Owner, Process Administrator, Manager or Project Manager

Declining an Authorised Timesheet:

  1. Go to Main Navigation > Time Management > Authorise Timesheets
  2. Click the Settled tab
  3. Use the Authorisation Filters by typing in the fields to narrow down your search results
  4. Click Search
  5. Find the timesheet you would like to query using the Expand icons to expand the lines. This will allow you to drill deeper into each individual timesheet
  6. Select the timesheets you would like to authorise using the tick boxes next to the timesheet
  7. Click Decline
  8. Enter the reason for declining the timesheet
  9. Click Submit Decline to set the timesheet as declined

Please Note, by default, all timesheets are selected for authorisation. Please ensure you double check before confirming. Untick the box next to the department name to untick ALL or individually deselect each line.

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